In a world in which employers are struggling to attract and retain top talent, United Alloy has taken a unique approach by supporting and investing in our employees so they are able to fulfill their aspirations whether it is at work or outside of work.



What made you decide to participate in the Dream Generators program?

During a company meeting, it was announced that United Alloy was going to hold a logo creation contest for the program. I submitted my logo entry and ended up winning the contest. I figured I should know what this program is all about just in case I was asked what the logo was for.

Did you already have a dream in mind when you reached out to Coach?

Yes! I just did not know where to start. Throughout my journey, my dream kept evolving. I originally just wanted to grow more as a welding artist. While creating “Gloria” the eagle, which was intended to be a gift for my wife, it became so much more. It was the first local artist public art installment in downtown Janesville, WI. This has inspired me to open my own art gallery business. Which is what I am currently working towards today.

Please describe your experience while in the Dream Generators Program.

It was a real game changer for me. It was not what I expected. Coach is an easy person to talk to. He is an active listener who wants to understand your dreams and goals, so he can help get you get on the right path for success. Coach has also become a lifelong friend for me.

How has the Dream Generators Program affected your personal and/or work life?

The program has increased my confidence as a welder, as an artist, but mostly as a person. It has become another voice of inspiration to help me achieve my goals and dreams.

What is the biggest benefit you have learned about yourself, while participating in the Dream Generators Program?

I have learned that I AM MY OWN LEADER. I have the power to take charge of my own life. I know that if I put my head down and work, I can and will make my dreams become a reality.

What has been the most surprising part of pursuing your dream with United Alloy’s Dream Generators Program?

I was surprised with how my dream was cultivated into something bigger. The public appreciation Gloria received has boosted my confidence in my artistic talents.

What was the biggest challenge or obstacle you faced?

I have always been nervous when it comes to talking in front of large groups. I realized that the publicity of Gloria and I were getting, I would have to eventually face my fear. I knew I was going to have to speak in front of a crowd or two, but I had no idea I would be interviewed on the radio. The Dream Generators Program has eased my anxiety and helped me overcome it.

What was your favorite part of your dream journey?

Looking back, I would say meeting everyone who helped in making Gloria a permanent fixture in downtown Janesville, as well as those I have met because they had interviewed me. It has become a life changing experience.

Do you have any other dreams you would like to pursue?

Of course! I am so appreciative that the surrounding communities of Janesville, WI can get an up close and personal view of my artwork. My long-term goal is to expand that view across the nation, and hopefully one day, worldwide.

Would you recommend the Dream Generators Program to your co-workers?

Yes! I would recommend this program to anyone that has goals and think that they are unattainable. The Dream Generators Program that United Alloy offers to its employees really does help make their dreams come true.

What advice would you give others who are considering pursuing their dream?

When first starting out, the process can seem intimidating and a bit overwhelming. Just remember to stay focused and the know the purpose of your dreams. Eventually, you will see everything fall into place.


By understanding, supporting, and encouraging our employees, we are able to help make their dreams become a reality. At United Alloy, every employee matters to us. We want everyone to have their own success story in their personal and/or professional lives. It’s one way that makes us an actively engaged team, inspired to win together.